Happy Year of the Dragon fellow dragons, and other little animals of the Shengxiao (also known as the Chinese zodiac).
I read an article from Times that this year more babies will be born in China, because the Chinese believe that having 'a dragon' child brings good fortune to the child and to his family. In my family we have two dragons, me and my father ^_^
For the main entry I've prepared something artistic once again. To get my artistic stuff really going I have decided that I'm going to start posting entries on my favourite artists. I'm going to introduce a new artist once a month (two artists if I have time) and review their work. I'm not completely hung up on contemporary art so you'll see some of the old masters here too.
Do you ever get the feeling that most people couldn't give a horse shit about art, seriously. Ask yourself, how much do you really care or even like art?

Betcha didn't see this kind of art coming
Luis Royo happens to be one of my favourite illustrator/artist of all time. He is Spanish born and says that drawing was always very important to him. In 1970's Royo was studying decoration and interior designing and decided to include painting to his activities. But it wasn't until late 70's that he discovered adult comics and decided to dedicate his career to comics. He's commissionned by MARTINEZ in the early 80's which set him towards his professional career. By 1990's major amount of his own work was bought or commissioned by different medias and clients. In 1992 he publishes his very first compilation work called "WOMEN", which gather all his best works up to now. This album clearly identified that Royo was a great illustrator and this was when his preference to draw women began to emerge. After that he has been working hard to earn his reputation and fame he today has. Royo has published more then 34 art books including portfolios and he continues his "partnership" with Heavy Metal, among other publishers.(*chuckle* my 2012 Royo wall calendar is published by Heavy Metal).
I was introduced to Royo's work via Quizilla. It is this 'quiz' site where teenagers post quizzes, but most often they post stories. I remember when in the mid 2000's vampire stories were so popular on Quizilla. Eheeh even I was writing a story on Quizilla, based on an anime where the characters play 'children's card games' (Thank you LittleKuriboh). Eh but before that I was taking quizzes like 'Are you a witch, a mermaid, a princess, a heroine or a fairy?' (not a real quiz) and for a short period of time, Royo's paintings were one of the most popular image sources for these type of quizzes. You'd get your result describing your character and this beautiful image
Royo is so amazingly talented that I almost can't stand it. Before I discovered by own style I was trying to paint like Royo. He has such an amazing eye for detail and tones that his work looks so realistic. When I look at his work it's like I'm looking into this paraller reality that's filled with sexual escapades and disrupted fantasies. It's a reality where beautiful people co-exists with androids and monsters. The Women are tough, extremely beautiful warriors who defeat monsters and devils. But what they can't seem to defeat is their endless lust for sex. Human men are just a mild distraction on the background, plain figures compared to their darker counterparts, the devils, monsters and robots. To me it is so hot that these monsters can gain the females attention and affection. Basically in every piece that portrays sex, the woman (or women in some case) is having sex with a monster. It is so sexy to see Royo depicting men as hideous monsters who still can catch the female's eye. Or perhaps the monsters don't represent men at all...perhaps they are just monsters, sharing the same reality with the warrior women. See, I like sexy things ~_^
*chuckle* But is Royo's work really art? To real artists his work would seem cheap and pretentious and doesn't strike as nothing but
broken down with the dark blues and black. I'm really interested in his painting technique. He keeps creating those very smooth almost fog like textures in his work, as we saw in the unicorn & dragon painting. It almost reminds me of old Japanese ink drawings. I like to think that he's kinda like a multi-talented artist. He can make really fabulous ink sketches like this vampire on the left. He can create very ethereal and crepuscular paintings as well as heavy and detailed ones. Royo has made quite a few of those ethereal paintings depicting his beautiful warrior women, just women in their armour. However I especially love the detailed ones (like the Batgirl), where the surroundings and the people look so real that he makes me wish that I could live in that bizzare world and be one of those warrior women.
I know that Royo uses live models. For ex. he has used Natalie Portman's and Steven & Liv Tyler's images to create couple of pieces. And he has this one model who has modeled for him many times (I can't recall her name). I would sooooooo looove to pose for him! *_* I have done modeling before and it would be just so cooool to have Royo paint me (well he'd most likely alter it, but still I'd be the base of that woman). That's the narcissistic part of me talking, but I'd love to have one of Royo's paintings or posters on my wall in which implementation I contributed to. I have one of Royo's posters ^_^ the boys in college liked that I had this half naked 'amazon' woman on my wall. She is a fine looking girl.
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