
perjantai 30. joulukuuta 2011
I was now going to write about what I'm planning to do next year. But I figured it would be nice to recap what I've done in 2011. It is after all the year of the Rabbit. And today (it's 03.22am, 31.12.11) is the last day of 2011. I'm gonna go to the movies with my BFF. We're gonna see Tintin (me again) and right after that the new Sherlock Holmes movie. Later we'll go have dinner and then it's nightclub time =) BOUNCEBOUNCEBOUNCE! (I love that song).
In 2011 the first 'outrageous' thing I did was dye my hair blonde. I had been a honey blonde when I was a teenager, but this time it was different. I have build a certain look and reputation of myself in my mind (and hopefully it comes across), and I was afraid that by swapping my brown hair to blonde I'd lose all my attitude and credibility and become the 'dumb blonde'. People would look at me differently and think that I'm relying purely on looks rather than on intelligence. It's a horrible stereotype, but even I think like that occasionally. I was a little prejudice against blondes when I was brunette. But I got to admit, the telly and celebrities make it seem like blondes really are stupid. Imagine one person (in this case a blonde) ruins it for everybody --_--
But I wanted to try out how blonde hair would suit me, after my Tinker Bell halloween costume had been a success. So I began a honey blonde again, and have been lightening my hair since. I'm never going like platinum blonde (YUK! Those people are not even real blondes, more like hello pornstar and cheap orange tan) but I keep it light and natural.
In February I began my last semester in College, I mean it was my 3rd year and 2dn semester. I started working on my Independent Studies 'Mind Machine', which is still going and evolving. I spend most of the winter working on the look and theme of 'Mind Machine'. In short I finally began to believe in my own authenticity and painting style instead of trying to copy other artists or ignoring my own needs as an artist. One of my tutors especially was very encouraging and he helped me to realize my own talent.
I also got my very first tattoo =) I had been planning getting one 6-8 months and finally I found the image and the spot to ink it onto. I'll show you the tattoo and write about my experience on getting the first tattoo little later. I booked the time 3 weeks earlier and when the big day came (24.02), I was so scared. I was like excited scary, but even so I was shaking. I had a friend coming with me, she had gotten her first tattoo at the same parlou too. Everything went well and I love my tattoo =)
A month later in March I cut my hair really short xD I had had short hair before (Sailor Saturn style), and a pixie cut the year before, but this was something else. I'm really gonna miss Gemma at Wicked Hair in Worcester. She really knew her stuff and gave me really good hair advices. I left the salon with this ultra cool hair (the right side was left longer) <3
During spring break (late March- early April) I went to London with my boyfriend. My little sister and her boyfriend came in the next day and we showed them around (Westfield mostly). On April Fool's day mom and dad came to London as well. We spend the whole day together, having japanese food at Toku, shopping on Regent st. and Fortnum & Mason. We ended our daytrip at Harrods. In the evening we headed to Worcester via train. This was the first time mom and dad came to see me in the UK (2,5y living in the UK). I was so happy to spend the whole weekend with my family <3 My BF left on saturday evening and mom and dad left the next morning. So my little sister and her boyfriend came to bunk in my room (uni halls) for the sun-mon night. This was one of the most happiest times I had this year.
A little after this trip, my boyfriend and I broke up. This was the second time. He had his issues and I wasn't keen on meeting his requests. He is still very much in my life, but I could never imagine getting back with him again.
By May I had made 70 A3 painting for 'Mind Machine'. And the hand-in was May 5th. I went to celebrate with my friends and had my very first shot of Tequila xP
Some where in April and May I had become obsessed with Naruto O_o
I am still very very very obsessed with Naruto, manga and anime series. I'm a Kakashi girl (squeal), but I find Naruto as the most interesting and deepest manga/anime character of all time! Smile no jutsu!
Before Uni was out RJOkami helped me with my small scale installation project (ceramics course) which I had randomly arranged on our new city campus' yard. Yeah we were kinda playing it on a grey sunday afternoon (right after the Eurovisions). She also came with me to my year group's final art show 'Shift' =) We spend an entire semester and a course building our art show, in the end it turned out rather good. It was nice to see all our hard work pay up. And it was only a week away till I would move back to Helsinki.
During the last weekend of May, I was packing all my stuff etc when Nina from the Yoke and Zoom, from the Movement gallery contacted me. She was interested in vieweing 'Mind Machine' at her gallery. We met and discussed about my work and their gallery etc and agreed that we'd show paintings from 'Mind Machine' when I'd come back to Worcester in November to graduate.
I was ecstatic O_O I never imagined I would get a show straight out of college! I am very grateful for that opportunity. On May 30th I moved back to Helsinki.
Basically I was working (waitressing, part-time) the whole summer. I also spend a great deal of time designing and building my own website. It took me a long long time to learn how to use Dreamweaver CS5. Thank God for Timothy as createthenet on Youtube!
The summer was hot, just the way I like it <3 and I was happy to be back in Helsinki. I began to develop 'Mind Machine' further and I changed its initial theme during this time.
Late August I went to see Batman Live World Tour in London at the O2 arena. My BF and I spend 3 days in London =) I believe that some day I'm going to be living in London..
On September my little sister went back to Dundee with her BF. Their second year. Hence I got our room to myself. Our parents have a small appartment (our home) so we have shared our room for like...almost 15 years. We are close so no problem there xP
Since I'm a freelancer artist, there hasn't been much art related jobs or stuff going on in my life yet. I've just been paiting and researching and reading.
In late September my friend from Germany came to Helsinki. We spend a fun saturday night out with her and her friends =D
Almost a month later, in October, I finally published my website. I managed to solve all the final problems and got FutureQuest as my host. Pheewwff it took me a loooong time, but I couldn't be happier that I did everything myself =D Kudos for doing things youself!
I also celebrated my birthday in late October. In college I had costume Bday parties. 1st year it was 'Clowns, Jokers, Jesters, Harleyquins etc', 2dn year '21, no costumes' and 3rd year 'Cliché Vampires' xP This year I just went to have Japanese with a few close friend. No costume, well I was wearing a crown and a sash that said 'Birthday Girl'. xD
It was our graduation in November. I went to Worcester on Tuesday the 1st to arrange my show, pick up work from the studio etc. It was so good to see my friends again (we live all around Finland, so this was like the last time we would be really gathering for months, for years even). I had such a hangover on wednesday morning X_X I had booked a room for myself and I had 3h to have a shower, get myself ready, have breakfast and collect my bones to check out. URGH!
Mom and Dad came later that day when I was invigilating the show (and this is why I'll never drink past midnight ever again). Evening followed by more pubbing. =D
My graduation was on thursday afternoon =) I went to Wicked Hair in the morning (unfortunately no Gemma) to get my hair done. It rained a bit when I made my way to campus to pick up my robe and our tickets. Unfortunately my little sister and her BF couldn't come =( but it was nice to have mom and dad there <3 They were very excited. People were like gushing over how the hat and the robes reminded them of Harry Potter. I didn't think so, until I was inside the Worcester Cathedral and we were called up on the stage to receive our degree certificates =^_^= Very HP guys! -> Me threw da hat!
At the reception I met with my friends and my tutor, it was truly a wonderful ceremony <3 After a quick change we went to view my show. It was a joint show with my two peers called 'The Graduate'. Mom and dad seemed very proud of my work. Dad was very dazed and he later admitted that it had been such a wonderful day that it'd take him time to fully process it xP Then we went to ASK to have dinner. It was funny, I found them later at the same pub I was with my friends xD Before they left, dad brought me mom's leftover pitcher of ''Marzipan'', amaretto, southern comfort, rum and something else. Boys drink everything, but even my friends found it way too sweet xDD I will remember this day 4ever! <3
On friday noon we set out to London. We had an a-may-zaahh hotel-appartment reserved right next to Trafalga sq. O_O It was a nice sunny day to take the train from Worcester to London. We even had little time in the morning to walk around Worcester city centre =) In London though, my parents were very tired and the new Japanese restaurant I had looked up for us, didn't open until 6pm (we were hunry at 4pm). On our way to a Chinese restaurant, mom tripped and scratched her knee pretty badly, she had just scratched the same knee on the previous week. =( Not a good start for our weekend. We winded up in Bella Italia. To me our hotel was just a stone thrown away from Leicester and Piccadilly, so we agreed that mom and dad would go back to Citadines and I'd go shopping. To be honest, I felt like at home in London. I just felt myself sigh in pleasure thinking 'I'm in London again'.
We had a really nice time in London. And this time mom and dad got a good look at London =) In April we were just hanging in Piccadilly, but this time we went to Covent Garden and just walked around and explored. In the evening we went to see the Queen Musical 'We Will Rock You'. I had already seen it in 2009, and I liked it very much back then. Mom was soo excited xDD She and I were clapping and waving during the song and just having fun xP But dad had no idea where he had ended up and kept fidgeting in his seat --_-- He was happy when the show was over and we went to the Sherlock Holmes pub/rest. It was next to Citadines. as well.
Later I discovered that RJ had been at the musical as well, she was sitting near the front, and we were sitting at the back xD
On sunday evening we flew back to Helsinki. Next time I go to London, I'll certainly stay at Citadines, that's how nice that appartment hotel was =) AND so close to everything! I won't be forgetting that week soon.
Later in November I started this blog xP
On December 3rd we hosted a graduation reception for the family at our cabin in the country (1,5h drive from Helsinki). It was a raging success and people kept texting mom even on the next day =) We had a fantastic buffet and plenty of wine and beer etc alcohol and sodas. People really seemed to enjoy themselves and it was nice that they'd take time out of their lives to come to our cabin in the middle of nowhere and on a saturday afternoon no less . I wasn't expecting to get any presents, but I did =^_^= It was a very nice day. I rarely see my family, including my cousins.
So ever since I moved back to Helsinki I've been mostly waitressing or painting. My little sister is back in home for another 2 weeks ^_^ We spend our christmas in the cabin. Unfortunately there was no snow. But we had a lovely time there. We gave mom and dad our Uni hoodies, dad got Worcs. and mom Dundee's xP It feels good to have the whole family back together.
2011 has been eventful, more or less. For me, I feel like it has been quite successfull and fun year =D
Here is to 2012, let it be even more successful and fun than 2011. After all, in January 23rd it begans my year, the year of the Dragon. I'm excited about 2012!! (there is still a few days left of the year of the Rabbit. Bunnies!!) <3 <3
To 2012, Happy New Year everyone!! H.M
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